Hi there! My name is Elijah, and I am going to share with you five foods I believe someone with diabetes should make sure to remove from their diet. After living with type 1 diabetes for nearly a decade, I am well aware of the devastating affect inflammatory foods can have on both physical and mental health. That is why I put together this list.
Over time I have removed all of these foods from my diet and the result has been amazing. I have way more energy and perform on a higher level in my workouts,; to name a few of the results I have experienced. And the best part…you can do it to! By reducing inflammation in your diet you can help your body to do its job…thrive!
Inflammatory food number one… Processed oils
Examples of processed oils include canola, vegetable, soybean, and grapeseed oils. These oils can be found in many different products, some of which are probably in your pantry. Such products which are rich in processed oils are frozen dinners, packaged snacks like bars, chips, mayonnaise, and roasted nuts.
There is a lot of controversy right now regarding whether or not oils are actually harmful to your health; however, I believe that they are. Since removing seed oils form my diet I feel amazing, and I can tell that I feel worse whenever a little oil slips into my diet. Additionally, there have been numerous studies conducted stating that processed oils are devastating to your health; particularly for people living with diabetes. I recommend substituting processed and inflammatory oils for a natural alternative like butter or tallow whenever possible.
Inflammatory food number two… Sugary foods, candy, and sweets
Sugar is one of the most inflammatory foods you can eat, and unfortunately it is in almost all packaged foods, candies, or desserts. In fact, the average American consumes approximately 100 pounds of sugar per year. Thus it can be quite overwhelming when initially removing sugar from your diet. However, it is very doable and completely worth it. Try opting for sweeteners like honey or maple syrup and enjoy natural sweets like fruits and berries.
There are so many amazing recipes for sweet treats which are completely sugar free and gut friendly available online. Some of my favorites can be found HERE.
By removing sugar from your diet, you can not only decrease inflammation but improve blood sugar levels, increase cognitive function, and much more.
Inflammatory food number three…Food dyes
This is one food that I do my best to always avoid. Because they are chemically engineered, most food colorings are extremely difficult for our bodies to process. Even though they don’t necessarily cause an immediate blood sugar spike, food colorings do make it difficult for our bodies to function and are therefore one of the five foods to never eat.
When I cut food dyes from my diet, I not only felt noticeably better, but I noticed an interesting change in my emotional and mental health. I had greater clarity of mind, and I was much more as ease and calm. I haven’t eaten food dyes for several years and haven’t missed them at all.
Inflammatory food number four… Sugary and diet drinks
This is a big one for me and I know it is for a lot of other diabetics as well. Because we live in a culture that makes sodas one of the most addicting substances in the world, it is no surprise that it can be quite difficult for some people to stop drinking them. However, if you wish to truly live a healthy lifestyle, I believe stopping soft drink consumption is an absolute necessity. Because they are loaded not only with sugar, but also with many artificial sweeteners and preservatives, sodas and diet drinks will always make it difficult to control glucose levels.
Now that you know a few of the main foods which cause blood sugar spikes and inflammation, what is the next step? Should you try to completely upend your diet this evening?
No, absolutely not! Trying to do to much to fast is exactly what causes most people to feel overwhelmed and eventually leads them to give up on their wellness journey altogether. I think the best idea is to start small, and then build up slowly. For example, you might wish to cut out all processed oils for a week. That’s great! Focus on cooking with other ingredient like butter or olive oil, and see what happens. Then the next week, try avoiding sweets. I have found that the secret to success is consistency, not radical change.
With that, here are a few tips to get started as well as some extra resources I think are worth looking into.
Tips to avoid inflammatory foods at restaurants
- Avoid anything fried such as fries or chips. iInstead opt for vegetables or slaw on the side.
- Research and see if the restaurant offers nutrition information online. Though some don’t, many restaurants offer nutritional information on their websites. This can be helpful when deciding what too eat.
- Focus on making a better decision, not a perfect one. Almost anything you get at a restaurant is not going to be as good quality as something you cook at home. The goal when eating out is to make the best decision possible.
- Ask for causes on the side. Of course this depends on the side. While there are a few sauces that are perfectly healthy, most contain large quantities of both seed oils and sugar; making them something to avoid.
Three foods that can help reduce inflammation
- Chia and flaxseeds contain omega 3 fatty acids, an anti-inflammatory agent.
- Turmeric, often found in tea, is quite tasty and it is also an anti-inflammatory
- Salmon is also an anti-inflammatory that can be enjoyed over a fresh salad.
You can learn more about anti-inflammatory foods HERE.
More Information on inflammatory foods
If you would like to learn more about how inflammatory foods impact your health, check out these recourses.
In this video, Dr. Axe offers in depth information on six of the most inflammatory foods we find in almost everything in the grocery store.
Doctors Huberman and Lustig go in depth into the affects processed foods can have on your overall health over time. They also discuss sugars influence over us and what we can do to change our diets to promote wellness and health in our bodies.
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