Introduction: The importance of sleep
You might be surprised to learn how important sleep is for your health and longevity. Getting a good nights sleep has been attributed to maintaining muscle mass, improving cognitive function, and regulating blood sugar. According to Dr. josh Axe, sleep can be just as if not more important than diet and exercise when it comes to your health. In this article, we will talk about how you can get better sleep, as well as why it is so important.
One reason getting a good nights rest is so important is the affect it has on our minds. Sleep has been shown to be crucial for mental health and performance. A recent complication of 21 studies found that subjects with insomnia were 210% more likely to develop depression. Another article published by the cdc reported that inadequate sleep could be a cause of mental illness. I often feel more anxious and overwhelmed when I get less than eight hours of sleep. Poor sleep is a contributor to both mental anxiety and physical illness.
How much sleep do you actually need?
Now that we have established the importance of sleep, it is important that we know how much sleep we need to be getting in order to get optimal results.
Benjamin Franklin said, “Early to bed, early to rise. makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.” There is a lot of truth to that old saying. One hundred years ago, the average American slept for 8.1 hours every night. Today the average is 6.6. This is a massive decrease when we consider the time needed for each stage of sleep. Is it possible that this decline in sleep is connected to the mental and physical health crisis we face today? I believe it is.
The general rule for time asleep is eight hours, and I believe there’s good reason to accept this. Firstly, it has been the approximate time humans spend asleep for millennium. Long before we had fitness coaches telling us how long to spend in bed, we were going to bed with the sun. Resulting in a sleep period approximately eight hours or longer.
Secondly, numerous scientific experiments have found that 7 to 9 hours of rest is the amount required our physical bodies to perform at their full capacity.
There is much more evidence I could list here as to why eight hours is the best amount. But as I am not a sleep specialist, I will leave that to a specialist.
If you are interested in learning more about the science and method behind time spent asleep, here is a great resource.
The link between diabetes and sleep…
We have talked a lot about sleep, but how does this relate to diabetes? You might be surprised to learn that it makes a huge difference. As mentioned above, when we don’t get good sleep, it is harder for your bodies to regulate blood sugar. This is because when the body is tired, it releases stress hormones like cortisol which then raise then raise blood sugar levels. In fact, I have found sleep to be one of the pillars to controlled blood sugar.
Three ways to get better sleep

So, now that we know the importance of getting seven to eight hours of sleep every night, as well as the necessity of sleep for overall mental and physical health, what do we do now? Logically, the next step is to get not just more, but better quality sleep. Though some people invest substantial amounts of money into sleep drugs and supplements, I have found that I get the best sleep by following an evening protocol, or system of habits. Though there’s a value in certain sleep supplements, (more on that below,) I have found that my habits make a much bigger impact on the quality of sleep I get in a night
Below I have listed three ways I have found I can get optimal sleep both for recovery and productivity. By following this protocol, I have found that I wake up feeling refreshed and energized the next morning. I would encourage you to try and implement some or all of these habits into your routine and see of you sleep better.
1. Walk after supper
Walking after every meal has numerous benefits, including weight loss, better blood sugar control, and an improved nights rest. I have noticed that whenever I get in a walk after a meal I feel much more at rest. A walk helps our food to digest and calms our heartbeat. Resulting in a greater feeling of wellness throughout the night and the next morning. I believe that walking is one of the most important things you can do for yourself.
2. Turn screens off 1 to 2 hours before bed.
Between lightning fast images and blue lights, our phones turn on our brains in ways unheard of until now. This in itself isn’t necessarily bad in my opinion. However, too much phone usage can result in high stress and even depression.
Thus, it becomes necessary for the sake of relaxation and cognitive function to take a break from screens. Particularly at bedtime, I believe that it is wise to turn my phone off, and put it in another room, at least one hour before I am going to bed. This can be hard at first, I know. But I have found that whenever I avoid screens for at least one hour before bed, I rest much better and my brain has a chance to slow down for the evening.
3. Get in bed earlier
We have already talked about why it is important to rest for at least eight hours every night, but does it matter when you go to bed?
A recent study published in MedicalNewsToday linked a late bedtime (regardless of time spent asleep) to poor mental health. Also, research has shown that the sleep you get before midnight is the most valuable.
Therefore, we can conclude that by getting in the bed earlier, we ensure that the quality of our sleep will be more restful.
Bonus: The power of tart cherry…

As I mentioned above, there can is a value to certain supplements when it comes to improving sleep. One of my favorite supplements of all time is Leefy. Leefy is a natural immune booster, made entirely from ingredients you can both buy at a grocery store and pronounce.
When it comes to getting a good nights rest, the Leefy Nidra is a game changer for me, especially during training. Made from tart Cherries, this is a super affordable and effective way to you get optimal rest at night.
If you would like to help your body rest and recover naturally, you can use get 15% off your first order at LeefyOrganics.com with discount code leefyforlife today!
Conclusion: Three Steps to Better Sleep
I have noticed that a lot of people have a hard time with taking time to sleep is because they feel like other things are more important. Family, work, workouts and training all to often consume so much of our days that we barely have six hours of time left over to rest. What we don’t realize is that by following a daily protocol and getting quality sleep, er are showing up for life better than ever..
My challenge to you is to walk after supper, turn off your phone, and maybe try some Leefy for the sake of your family. Be the person who is energetic, well rested, and exited about life. By taking care of yourself and your sleep, you take care of your people: be it your team at work or your family.
I hope you have found value and wisdom in this post. If you know of anyone who could benefit from this blog, please feel free to share it with them on social. I wish you all the best!
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